There is no "one size fits all" approach at ZETZ and how one customer chooses
to engage, will be different to another. We have a number of platforms available
to you to build and execute your digital communication requirements
Still the widest reach of all text based messaging options. SMS provides businesses with a reliable way to engage with their customers. With over 5 Billion daily users – (65% of the worlds population), SMS is going to be around with us for many years to come.
ZETZ can enrich customer conversations with personalisation that ensures relevant and timely text messages are delivered and responded to. ZETZ is able to provide highly competitive pricing in a way that allows companies to choose the most suitable package (i.e. time sensitive or not) for the campaign’s needs as well as to track their spending in a cost-controlled method.
*We also provide campaign management support
Solutions we offer which utilise our SMS platform include debt collection, ead generation, marketing and notifications
Complimentary to being able to execute campaigns, ZETZ is also able to supply data for Lead Generation specific to your target audience.